Documentation > International Language Support - Nuance

Language ASR Code TTS Code TTS Gender
Arabic xml:lang=ar-jo    
Czech xml:lang=cs-cz    
Danish xml:lang=dk-dk    
Dutch xml:lang=nl-nl xml:lang=nl-nl Female
French xml:lang=fr-fr xml:lang=fr-fr Female
German xml:lang=de-de xml:lang=de-de-helga Female
German xml:lang=de-de xml:lang=de-de Male
Greek xml:lang=el-gr    
Indian English   xml:lang=en-in Female
Italian xml:lang=it-it xml:lang=it-it Female
Mexican Spanish xml:lang=es-mx xml:lang=es-mx Female
Norwegian xml:lang=no-no    
Spanish xml:lang=es-es xml:lang=es-es Female
Swedish xml:lang=sv-sv    
Swiss German xml:lang=de-ch xml:lang=de-de Female
UK English xml:lang=en-gb xml:lang=en-gb Female
UK English xml:lang=en-gb xml:lang=en-gb-emily Female
UK English xml:lang=en-gb xml:lang=en-gb-serena Female
UK English xml:lang=en-gb xml:lang=en-gb-daniel Male

International Languages

The Voxeo Prophecy 8.0 - VoiceXML 2.1, Nuance platform supports a wide variety of languages, some of which are already available to our Evolution developers. The list to the left shows all of the languages currently available, and the xml:lang codes needed to access them.

If you'd like to use a language not shown on this page, please contact [email protected].

In VoiceXML, you can specify the language at the document level by including the appropriate xml:lang attribute in the <vxml> element.

If you want to switch languages within a VoiceXML document, add the appropriate xml:lang attribute to the <prompt> (for TTS) and <grammar> (for ASR) elements.

The following sample file shows how to use the various languages within a Prophecy 8.0 - VoiceXML 2.1, Nuance application:


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